Sovereign Property Facilities Ltd
New Site Nov – Dec 2016
The Challenge
Sovereign already had a website when they approached me, but it simply wasn’t working for them. They were looking for something formal but fun. They were also not getting traffic to their site and therefore they required a new site optimized for the keywords they chose. Their chief catchment being London and the South East, their business was not benefiting from the hits a company like them, with their size and standing, should be attaining.
The Solution
Sovereign have a number of unique touches on their website, like a revolving Sovereign Coin inset into the London Eye on their Facilities Management page, or members of their team, miniaturized, and turned into caricatures of themselves. But chiefly, their site is bolder and brighter with each page standing alone as a potential landing point for any customer. We also worked on new Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and Google My Business accounts so that the site can rank locally.
New Animations